My 'Covid-19' Bodybuilding Experience

I think this "crazy" bodybuilding journey, with the virus going on, etc..., probably took the most courage of my life. My WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation) show was cancelled 2x. It was quite sometime after these cancellations that I noticed CPA (Canadian Physique Alliance) had a Natural Show - and still scheduled for October 2020 in Winnipeg. It was uncertain, almost until the last minute, as to whether or not this was still "a go." There were new restrictions being introduced in Manitoba and Winnipeg. In the news, a young hockey team and their coaches were seriously criticized for traveling from Saskatchewan to Manitoba to play in a tournament (regulations against inter-provincial travel). I still chose not to stop or slow down my training... then a nearby gym in Yorkton was hit with the virus and had to close. Would the 24hr gym I went to be closed down too? Warnings were posted on the front doors and kids starting come into the gym from Yorkton High School late at night (the time I like to train) because their whole school was shut down because of Covid-19. All this was going on, plus their was a lot of personal, family-related, stuff in my head going on, and a considerable lack of finances I was dealing with. When it seemed like nobody else was believing in my potential I kept on believing and that's how I roll.

On competition day, one lady asked: "what about our photos?" Covid-19 made our photographer bail on us. We all had to wear masks, right up until the last minute before going on stage and then put them back on immediately afterwards. The gold and bronze medals I won could not be presented because of the virus, so I had to pick them up on a separate table behind the stage before heading out. After the show, I walked out to my van and before I opened the door I hear this: "Hey!" I look and there's this big black dude who looks like he's new to Canada. "Can you give a jump?" I help him get his van going and he and his family are happy. "Thanks," they say. "You're welcome!" I say. It really felt good to help these people before leaving Winnipeg. I learned so much from going into my 1st show - one to remember! 

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